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The Opportunity: Create The Case For Change Through Whole System Value

Root causes of delays to access and unavailability of innovative medicines, have been identified by the European Federation of Pharmaceutical Industries and Associations (EFPIA):1 I. The time prior to marketing authorisation; II. The price and reimbursement process; III. The value assessment process; IV. Healthcare system constraints and resources; V. The sub-national approval process. Leaning into … Continued

The New Access Barrier: Patient Pathway and System Pressure Points

Leaning into the root causes of delays to access (healthcare system constraints and the subnational approval process), we believe the solution lies in healthcare system thinking and subnational access methodologies. Our first principle of subnational access is that if patients are unable to reach the place in the care pathway or the clinic in the … Continued

The Must Do: Enable Health Equity and Tackle Health Inequalities

Critical issues have emerged across healthcare systems, with the focus of health equity and health inequalities being of the highest priority. Health inequalities result in increased morbidity, decreased life expectancy and result in unwarranted variation across systems. THE IMPORTANCE OF HEALTH EQUITY AND TACKLING HEALTH INEQUALITIES Health equity is the most important factor in addressing … Continued

Restoring and recovering NHS services. Lessons from the NHS ConfedExpo June 2022.

This week’s NHS ConfedExpo at the ACC in Liverpool was an opportunity for everyone in the healthcare industry to hear new ideas, share best practice and explore practical solutions to building for the future. Through its many sessions, and over 2 days, Accession took the opportunity to jump into the discussion and debate ………. here’s … Continued

Unleashing innovation: Pharma, how can your new product launch solve the NHS’ most critical challenges?

On November 3rd 2017 the UK Government published its endorsement of the Accelerated Access Review (Making a reality of the Accelerated Access Review: Improving patient access to breakthrough technologies and treatments in a cost-effective model). At the core of the Accelerated Access Review is the proposal to get strategically important, cost-effective products into the NHS as … Continued

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The Must Do:  Enable Health Equity and Tackle Health Inequalities

The Must Do: Enable Health Equity and Tackle Health Inequalities

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The New Access Barrier: Patient Pathway and System Pressure Points

The New Access Barrier: Patient Pathway and System Pressure Points

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The Opportunity: Create The Case For Change Through Whole System Value

The Opportunity: Create The Case For Change Through Whole System Value

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Southfield House
24 Greys Road
Henley on Thames