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Immuno-oncology has solidified its position as the most exciting advancement in cancer treatment in recent times providing hope for long-term survival for those with terminal disease. These exciting new treatments change the treatment paradigm and increase survival rates. This impacts service throughput and clinic time by increasing the number of patients in the system which the NHS must effectively manage and provide expert care for.
Accession established a shared vision with our client at the start of their launch plan to expedite patient access to treatment and support the NHS with implementation. By mapping and benchmarking cancer services across the UK, we developed innovative solutions to address this need. These included locally tailored service planning tools and web-based service improvement platforms which have been key to unlocking the potential of the brand.

Latest News


The Must Do:  Enable Health Equity and Tackle Health Inequalities

The Must Do: Enable Health Equity and Tackle Health Inequalities

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The New Access Barrier: Patient Pathway and System Pressure Points

The New Access Barrier: Patient Pathway and System Pressure Points

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The Opportunity: Create The Case For Change Through Whole System Value

The Opportunity: Create The Case For Change Through Whole System Value

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Accession Healthcare Consulting Ltd
Southfield House
24 Greys Road
Henley on Thames