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Health Innovation

Innovation runs deep at Accession.  We constantly challenge ourselves and our clients in an attempt to disrupt the status quo and to look for new ways to generate success.

Innovation however must be bespoke, and it must deliver outcomes…


The challenges currently facing the pharmaceutical industry are numerous, well documented and have led to a re-evaluation of the strategic approaches that companies need to adopt in order to successfully commercialise their brands.

This has led to the concept of going “beyond the pill”.  By offering services that better address the needs of healthcare decision-makers across the patient pathway, these initiatives have led to better health outcomes and higher value to patients, clinicians and commissioners. This is about creating and building incremental brand value.


An ongoing investment in drug development by the industry means new and novel medicines are continuing to emerge. Whilst many of these innovative technologies are fulfilling areas of unmet need, in many instances the care pathway or service is not in place to support patient access. Accession provides beyond the pill programmes that allow the value of these innovations to be realised by healthcare systems through the design and implementation of new pathways.


Accession’s Health Innovation Programmes are designed to bring about whole system shifts in healthcare delivery and outcomes.  These include:

  • New models of care and pathway creation
  • New models of care and pathway evaluation
  • Patient cohort evaluation and value creation
  • Patient stratification and sophisticated managed entry models

Accession provides pharmaceutical companies with integrated solutions encompassing all of the above to enable improved patient access and outcomes whilst delivering competitive advantage.

Let's Innovate!

If you have a problem, a barrier, or a seemingly insurmountable market access challenge talk to us, we can help. Let’s innovate!

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Case Studies

Issues our people solve.

Latest News


The Must Do:  Enable Health Equity and Tackle Health Inequalities

The Must Do: Enable Health Equity and Tackle Health Inequalities

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The New Access Barrier: Patient Pathway and System Pressure Points

The New Access Barrier: Patient Pathway and System Pressure Points

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The Opportunity: Create The Case For Change Through Whole System Value

The Opportunity: Create The Case For Change Through Whole System Value

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01491 577563

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Accession Healthcare Consulting Ltd
Southfield House
24 Greys Road
Henley on Thames