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This week’s NHS ConfedExpo at the ACC in Liverpool was an opportunity for everyone in the healthcare industry to hear new ideas, share best practice and explore practical solutions to building for the future.

Through its many sessions, and over 2 days, Accession took the opportunity to jump into the discussion and debate ………. here’s what we learnt:

  • As the NHS emerges from the major challenges of the pandemic, and into the biggest set of changes for a decade, the future holds the stereotypical balance of challenge and opportunity for everyone and at all levels of the healthcare system.
  • The challenge of course is not just to recover services and address the backlog but ultimately to improve population health, deliver high-quality care and reduce health inequalities.
  • The NHS Confed themselves promote collaboration and partnership working as the key to success here and this indeed was a key theme that was explored and encouraged throughout the conference, loud and clear.
  • There was also a sense of looking back, reflecting on what has been achieved over the past 2 years during the pandemic, what has worked well and what has hasn’t – and ultimately what we can all learn from this.

Armed with this insight, now is the time to take a proactive stance to dealing with the challenges of the future – with quality, outcomes and efficiency front of mind, now is the time for services to recover, restore and reform, and of course collaboratively………. we all have a part to play.

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